Trash is collected on Mondays and Thursdays.
Please have your trash in cans at the curbside before 6am when the truck generally
Recyclables are collected on Tuesdays.
Please have your bins at the curbside before 6am.
Recycle bins are available by
contacting Mr. Marcelino Cole at
(301) 883-5045 (fax (301) 883-7645).
Materials that are currently collected include: newspaper, glass, narrow
neck plastic bottles, magazines, telephone books,
aluminum and steel cans.
Dropoff and curbside services for special materials such as yard trimmings
are available. Services
for other special materials,
such as household hazardous waste,
electronics, white goods, tires, wood waste, holiday trees,
small propane tanks, scrap metal, and mercury thermometers are
available by contacting Mr. Cole.